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Washington, D.C./sv

From Wikimania 2012 • Washington, D.C., USA

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Det ikoniska Kapitolium, sätet för den amerikanska kongressen.

Washington, D.C., formellt, District of Columbia och i ofta kallad Washington, the District, eller bara D.C., är huvudstaden i Amerikas Förenta Stater. Staden grundades den 16 juli 1790 i enlighet med bestämmelsen Artikel I i den amerikanska konstitutionen, vilken fastslog skapandet av ett särskilt distrikt att känna som permanent nationell huvudstad. Därför så är distriktet inte del av någon amerikansk stat och styrs istället direkt av den federala regeringen. Distriktet är beläget på Potomac flodens norra bank och gränsar till Virginia mot sydväst och Maryland i de andra riktningarna. Staden har 601 tusen bofasta invånare men på grund av tillströmingen från förorterna så har staden över en miljon invånare under arbetsveckorna. Washingtons storstadsområde, vilken distriktet utgör en del av, har en total befolkning på 5,4 miljoner invånare vilket gör det till det åttonde största storstadsområdet i hela landet.

Washington, D.C. är ett av de större centrumen för kultur och teknologi i Nordamerika och hyser många muséer, bibliotek och andra kulturella instuitioner. I egenskap av sätet för den amerikanska regeringen så publiceras oräkneliga volymer av publik media här. Då 2012 är ett presidentvalsår får deltagarna ett unikt tillfälle att betrakta huvudstaden mitt i den pågående kampanjperioden.

Internationell Stad

The headquarters of all three branches of the U.S. federal government, and of many national and international organizations, are located within the District. Washington, D.C. hosts 174 foreign embassies as well as the headquarters of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organization of American States (OAS), the Inter-American Development Bank, and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). As an international city, Washington, D.C. is home to large immigrant communities, including the second largest Ethiopian community outside of Ethiopia, as well as a large populations from Vietnam, El Salvador, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and Colombia,[1] and has a large African-American population. Washington is also religiously diverse, with 10.6% Muslim and 4.5% Jewish populations.


While the neighboring Dulles corridor area has been home to AOL's offices since its inception, D.C. has since become a hub for tech entrepreneurs, leading it to be referred to in a Huffington Post editorial as "Silicon Hill,"[2] alluding to California's Silicon Valley and D.C.'s Capitol Hill. Firms located in the D.C. area include LivingSocial, Clearspring, and JackBe. Within the federal government, members of the Obama administration are looking to open source software to reduce bureaucracy and cut costs. Washington DC has very active open source software and free culture communities, with regular DC tech meetups, and past events including DrupalCon 2009, RubyNation 2011, JSConf 2010, Gov 2.0 Expo, American Libraries Association (ALA) 2010 Conference, and the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2009).


Washington's safety record is stellar, especially in the Northwest where most of the conference will take place. Murders are at their lowest level since 1966.[3] In total, violent crime declined nearly 47% between 1995 and 2007. Property crime, including thefts and robberies, declined by roughly 48% during the same period. Once plagued with violent crime, many D.C. neighborhoods such as Columbia Heights and Logan Circle are becoming safe and vibrant areas due to overall trends of reduced crime in the District and also through the effects of gentrification. Furthermore, public transportation is readily used by millions of commuters each week as a safe form of transportation in the District, as opposed to other large US cities where public transportation is associated with crime. Washington's former reputation as a haven of crime has largely become obsolete. Washington, D.C. is also out of hurricane-vulnerable areas, and it won't be prime hurricane season. Attendees can come to Washington and expect a safe and pleasant trip.


Vissa delar av denna sammanställning är direkt kopierad från engelskspråkiga Wikipedias artikel om Washington, D.C..

  1. DC Population by Country of Origin, D.C. Office on Latino Affairs
  2. "Silicon Hill: The Rise of the New Washington, DC Tech Scene" by Raymond Schillinger. Published and accessed, 3 March 2011.
  3. Duggan, Paul, "Lanier pleased with DC's improvement in homicide cases", The Washington Post, 2010-01-01

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