Hackathon/Laptop setup/Linux git
One step to install
If you are running Debian or Ubuntu, open a Terminal.
Inside that Terminal, run the following command:
sudo apt-get install git-core
That will install the git version control system. If you get an error, let a staff member know.
Configure git: name and email address
The final step for configuring git is to tell git your name and email address. To do that, open a terminal as discussed earlier.
In the terminal, type this command to set your name (replacing Mister Roboto with your name):
git config --global user.name "Mister Roboto"
In the same terminal, type this command to set your email address. Git stores your name and email address whenever you commit changes to the git repository. (Be sure to replace myself@example.com with whichever email address you use!)
git config --global user.email myself@example.com
One more thing: let's enable color, just to make your life easier.
git config --global color.ui true
Okay, that's it!