see m:user:phoebe and en:user:phoebe.
Tentative schedule
- notes to myself on what to attend; please add to this if you think I should go to something! collaborative scheduling!
- meetups? email or text
- fly in, arrive 3pmish
- hotel meeting re: secretarial fun, 5pm
- board dinner, 7:30
- post board dinner board discussions --
Wednesday 11
- AM breakfast check w/ kelly re: resolutions
- Board meeting all day
- libraries thing if I get done early, which seems unlikely
- LC reception at night - 7:00p
Thursday 12
- 0900-11:00 -- Mary + Jimmy + Board intro?
- 1140-1300 -- education 1
- 14:00-15:20 -- Submissions/wiki_for_Everyone:_Culture_and_Features_at_wikiHow
- notes: Jack Herrick talks about WikiHow's editing experiments, recommended
- 308 - research session
- 1540-1700 - betts - localwikis! - daviswiki et all
Friday 13
- 0900-10:30 -- Glam professionals panel (grand ballroom), else wikiculture & community (301)
- 10:50-12:10 -- likely sister projects 2 (307)
- Friday eve -- coordinate with Jay Walsh re: board questions
Saturday 14
- 0900-1000 -- sue + board
- 16:00 – 17:00 -- Ferrerio closing plenary -- going to be so awesome
Sunday 15
- Wikimania Scholarships meetup 2:30
- fly home