User:Yaron Koren/SMW talks
Unexpectedly, Wikimania 2012 saw a tremendous upsurge in submissions for talks related to Semantic MediaWiki - usually there's one or two, but this time there were 19. (!) I'm guessing it's due to four things: a much higher number of submissions in general (2-4 times higher); the beginning of the Wikidata project, which may bring SMW to Wikipedia; the fact that Wikimania is in Washington, D.C. (a relative hotspot of SMW usage); and a general marked increase in usage over the last few years. For my own personal reference, here's a list of all the SMW-related proposals this year.
UPDATE: talks that were accepted are bolded.
- Submissions/Semantic MediaWiki (my own)
Specific implementations:
- Submissions/A wiki platform to develop, publish and update cancer treatment guidelines
- Submissions/BioWikis - Wiki sites, tools and technologies for analysis and display of biological data
- Submissions/DataCards
- Submissions/Fairfaxpedia and the Community Wiki (though SMW isn't mentioned in the proposal)
- Submissions/Introduction to the RPG-Dev-Wiki System Project
- Submissions/Marine Corps Civil Information Management (MARCIM) Semantic Wiki
- Submissions/MediaWiki as a platform: Using Resource Loader and Semantic Forms to build a web application on MediaWiki
- Submissions/Semantic MediaWiki and External Data for IT department
- Submissions/Semantic Wiki for Instructing Practitioner Learning Teams - A Case Study
- Submissions/Using Semantic Mediawiki and DBpedia as a platform for Space Data
- Submissions/Wikimedia Labs and the state of our open source infrastructure (SMW isn't mentioned)
- Submissions/Wikis across government agencies (Statipedia)
Spinoff technology:
- Submissions/A New Kind of Flexibility - Fighting Redundant Article Text Based On Semantic Data
- Submissions/Integrating Automated Processes with Semantic Wikis for Knowledge Representation - the Luminary Approach to Wiki Design
- Submissions/How Wikidata fits into the global web of data
- Submissions/Let’s talk about Wikidata and what it means for you! (panel)
- Submissions/Wikidata as a platform
- Submissions/Wikidata implementation and integration
Also, there are some proposals related to data and MediaWiki, but not relating to SMW:
- Submissions/Cooperation with OpenStreetMap (there are some other OpenStreetMap-related talks as well)
- Submissions/Extracting data from wikis
- Submissions/Getting ebooks on Wikisource : a first step to a Semantic Digital Library ?
- Submissions/Semanticpedia: Data Extraction from French Language Wikipedia
And finally, submissions related to the Semantic Web or "Linked Data", but not related to MediaWiki: