Update: The scholarship applications are now closed and under review by the Scholarship Committee. Recipients will be notified in early April. Thanks to all the great applicants; we appreciate your patience! |
Beurzenprogramma van Wikimania 2012

Wikimania 2012, de 8ste jaarlijkse internationale conferentie wordt gehouden van 12 tot 15 juli 2012. De conferentie vindt plaats in Washington D.C., in de Verenigde Staten. De Wikimedia Foundation en een aantal lokale chapters (Wikimedia Oostenrijk, Frankrijk, Hongarije, Israël) bieden een beperkt aantal beurzen aan om de kosten van de deelname te verminderen voor een bepaald aantal personen.
Zowel volledige als gedeeltelijke beurzen zijn beschikbaar voor Wikimania 2012:
- Een volledige beurs vergoedt reiskosten, logies en de registratie.
- Een gedeeltelijke beurs vergoedt tot €300 van de reiskosten.
Doelstellingen van het Programma
- Wikimania 2012 tot een succesvolle en productieve internationale conferentie maken.
- De verschillende Wikimediaprojecten ondersteunen door deelname aan te moedigen.
- De conferentie te verrijken door de aanwezigheid van een diverse groep van deelnemers vanuit de Wikimediagemeenschap.
Aanvragen van een beurs
Om meer te weten te komen over de verschillende types van succesvolle beursaanvragen, kan u hier een aantal beursontvangers van vorig jaar ontmoeten! Ga verder ...
Beursgerechtigdheid: Elke actieve bijdrager aan een Wikimediaproject en/of elke Wikimediavrijwilliger in welke vorm dan ook, van overal ter wereld, wordt als beursgerechtigd beschouwd. Ook personen die te maken hebben met vrije kennis, vrije software, samenwerkings- en/of onderwijsinitiatieven, worden aangemoedigd om een aanvraag in te sturen.
Selectie: Elke aanvraag van een beurs wordt bekeken door het comité voor de aanvraag van beurzen. De criteria voor het uitreiken van beurzen werden door dit comité opgesteld in lijn met de doelstellingen en het richtgebied van Wikimania en Wikimedia. Zie voor meer informatie over het selectieproces en de criteria het kopje "Scholarship Selection" hieronder.
Deadline for submission: The scholarship application deadline was February 16, 2012, at 23:59:59 UTC. We will notify applicants in mid or late-March early April about the results of their application.
For more information about the Wikimania 2012 Scholarships Program, please visit the FAQ page.
The Scholarships Review Committee rates scholarships applicants based on a standardized set of criteria. The anticipated timeline for the scholarship program is as follows:
- January 16 – February 16, 2012 – Scholarship application open
- January – early March, 2012 – Scholarship committee reviews applications
End of Marchearly April – Applicants are notified about final decisions
The WMF Scholarships will be roughly allocated across the regions of the world in the following manner:
Africa | 10% |
Asia & Pacific | 30% |
CIS | 10% |
Europe | 10% |
MENA | 10% |
North America | 10% |
South/Latin America | 20% |
Regions as defined by International Telecommunications Union (ITU) |
The same Selection Criteria (see below) will be used in rating all scholarship applications, but the applications will be compared against the applicants within the region. The Scholarship Committee reserves the right to deviate from these benchmarks, pending lack of qualified applicants.
Types of scholarships
Both partial and full scholarships will be available for Wikimania 2012.
- Full scholarships will award round trip travel, dorms accommodations, and registration
- Partial Scholarships: an award of 300 euros for travel expenses to Wikimania.
The same selection criteria will be used for both types of recipients. On the scholarship application, please indicate your willingness to accept a partial scholarship. As we are not screening applications for financial ability, we are assuming that all who check partial scholarship would be willing to take the partial scholarship to provide those with less resources the opportunity to attend Wikimania.
Selectiecriteria 2012
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Activiteit binnen Wikimedia (on-wiki en off-wiki) |
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Activiteit buiten Wikimedia (bij gelijkaardige organisaties) |
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Toekomstige doelen bij het deelnemen aan Wikimedia |
Aanvragen zullen worden beoordeeld op 3 niveaus: (A) Huidig/vroeger niveau van deelname aan Wikimediaprojecten (50% van de totale score), (B) Huidig/vroeger niveau van deelname aan andere vrije kennis, vrije software, samenwerkings- en/of onderwijsinitiatieven (15% van de totale score), en (C) Toekomstige doelen voor deelname aan Wikimedia (35% van de totale score)
Actief binnen Wikimedia (50%)
Applicants active within Wikimedia are those highly engaged participants in the Wikimedia Projects: editors, Wikimedians, and community members who will add value to Wikimania through their experience, knowledge, and dedication in online and/or offline activities, like involvement with chapter activities, meetups, etc. To highlight this, applicants could write about their experiences participating in online Wikipedia activities (such as editing) and offline Wikipedia activities (such as meet-ups, GLAM, and Campus Ambassador program).
- 4 = Very high level participant, defined by continued involvement and high impact in two or more projects, chapter or Wikimedia initiative (or as the reviewers judge "very high level")
- 3 = High level participant, defined by continued involvement and high impact in one or more projects, chapter or Wikimedia initiative (or as the reviewer judge "high level")
- 2 = Mid level participant, defined by continued involvement and average impact in one or more projects, chapter or Wikimedia initiative (or as the reviewer judge "mid level")
- 1 = Low level participant, defined by relatively new account, few edits, and little or no involvement in any Wikimedia project or initiative.
- 0 = Not a participant, defined by a brand new account, or almost no edits, and no involvement in any Wikimedia project or initiative.
Activity outside Wikimedia (15%)
Activity outside of Wikimedia measures applicants relevant activity outside of the the Wikimedia movement. This includes other activities relating to ICT4D, Free Software, education institutions, etc. These participants may exhibit qualities of innovation, participation in other aspects of the free culture/open source movement.
It is a measure for those who have shown potential to add value to the Wikimedia projects and movement, who can enhance and build on this potential at/by Wikimania, and who can disseminate what they learn at Wikimania to their respective communities. If applicable, applicants could write about their experiences with other comparable organizations.
- 4 = High level participant, defined by involvement in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative or educational initiative with very high potential to benefit Wikimedia.
- 3 = Mid to high level participant, defined by involvement in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative or educational initiative with high potential to benefit Wikimedia.
- 2 = Mid level participant, defined by involvement in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative or educational initiative with some potential to benefit Wikimedia.
- 1 = Low level new participant, defined by involvement in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative or educational initiative with low potential to benefit Wikimedia.
- 0 = Not a participant, defined by no involvement in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative or educational initiatives.
Future goals for participating in the Wikimedia movement (35%)
Applicants are expected to have concrete goals for how attendance at Wikimania will impact their future involvement in the Wikimedia movement. Applicants should expound upon why they are interested in attending Wikimania: what input they can bring to the conference and what they hope to glean from it.
- 4 = Very strong desire to be involved with the Wikimedia movement going forward; specific, concrete ideas for how applicant's unique skills, styles, and interests can be incorporated into and enhance the Wikimedia movement
- 3 = Strong desire to be involved with the Wikimedia movement going forward; a few less developed ideas about how applicant's unique skills, styles, and interests can be incorporated into and enhance the Wikimedia movement
- 2 = Some desire to be involved with the Wikimedia movement going forward; vague and under-developed ideas for how applicant's unique skills, styles, and interests can be incorporated into and enhance the Wikimedia movement
- 1 = Low or unclear desire to be involved with the Wikimedia movement going forward; unclear and non-thoughtful ideas for how applicant's unique skills, styles, and interests can be incorporated into and enhance the Wikimedia movement
- 0 = No anticipated involvement with Wikimedia in the future
Chapter Scholarships
Several Wikimedia Chapters provide extra scholarships for participants from their geographical region.
Applications will all be collected through the central scholarship website and later distributed to the chapters. Scholarships which are not approved by chapters will go back to the global scholarship pool.
- Wikimedia Austria:
- 10 full scholarships – see
- Wikimedia Deutschland:
- 15 full scholarships for recipients living in Germany.
- Wikimedia France:
- €10,000 in scholarships to recipients selected by Wikimedia France (chapter members, other French speaking persons, etc.) and another €10,000 into the global scholarship fund.
- Wikimédia Magyarország (Hungary):
- 6 partial scholarships, of up to 900,000 HUF (about USD 3,600) in total, to cover flight, accommodation and registration costs. Scholarships will be used to complement international partial scholarships and to help those who do not get an international scholarship.
- Wikimedia Israel:
- 4 scholarships, up to USD 2,000 each to cover flight, accommodation and some incidentals
- Wikimedia CH (Switzerland) (4500CHF or ~USD 4,800), with preference for Swiss residents or active contributors of Wikimedia projects in one of the Swiss languages (de, fr, it).
- Wikimedia UK:
- £5,000 in scholarships to recipients in the UK.
- Wikimedia Italia:
- 8 scholarships - of up to 1,250 € each - to cover flight, accommodation and registration costs for recipients living in Italy.
Meer informatie' over het Beurzenprogramma van Wikimania 2012 vindt u op de FAQ-pagina.
U kan een beurs aanvragen tot en met 16 februari 2012.